New Owned Facebook Client Onboarding Checklist

New Owned Facebook Client Onboarding Checklist

  1. Request access to Facebook Page through Business Manager

    1. You can update CS via the Wrike alert with the following message:

      CS, I have sent a request to the Business Manager that owns the Riverside Healthcare Facebook page for administrative access. 


      Instructions can be found here for acceptance: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/619744345300739

  2. Once admin has been granted, provide admin access to GeeDee, XPOAdmin, XPOUser, and yourself.

  3. Select profile photo and header image - profile photo should be minimal and contain no text.

  4. Page set up – Naming (when applicable) 

    1. Merging duplicate pages for the client that exist on Facebook.

    2. Customize URL

    3. Update “about us” section with copy that speaks to community and meets search engine optimization best practices

  5. Request reporting access to the Google Analytics account associated with the client

    1. You will send an email to datarequests@attaneresults.com with the community name, CDP code, the platform needed, level of access needed, and the email needing access: (socialmediateam@attaneresults.com).

      Hi team, 


      Can I please request viewer access for socialmediateam@attaneresults.com to the following Silverstone community Google Analytics accounts?


      The Landing Alexandria – SLVRST-LAND-LAND

      The Providence Fairfax – SLVRST-PROV-PROV 

      The Seneca Rockville – SLVRST-SENE-SENE 

  6. Ad account set up

    1. If you are not able to create a new Ad Account, repurpose a deactivated account.

      1. Check Facebook Ad Account Status Sheet for deactivated ad accounts available

    2. When naming your ad account: Include and maintain the name of the community, the Paid job#, and the Owned job# in the Facebook Ad account name

      • Example: HPEAK_Cypress Village_Paid: 12345 Owned: 67899

  7. Pixel placement

    1. For an owned social ONLY client, follow Facebook’s instructions for creating a pixel within Events Manager.

    2. Place full pixel code (base code + Pixel ID) into the Social Media Repository

    3. Go to the Wrike alert for the social media management job and comment:

      1. Hi, <@ PMO Lead>. Can I request DSD be scheduled to place the Facebook Pixel for <Client Name>? Pixel details are located in the Social Media Repository. Thanks!

  8. Once ad account is set up, audiences need to be added:

    1. Lead List - request from CS team

    2. Request a ODC/ LiveRamp audience from Knorex using the request process.

  9. Ensure Alight ChannelMix setup with New Facebook System User process 

  10. Facebook domain verification

  11. Addition of client to Sprout for Community Engagement

  12. Request call tracking number from CS - this can be done during the brainstorm meeting

  13. Messenger set up

    1. Enable instant reply: 

    2. Enable custom questions:

    3. Provide the website and numbers when applicable.

    4. Examples below:

  14. Add services Tab to Facebook page: 

  1. Set up Page Story: 

  2. Set up About Tab

  3. Set up Username

    1. i.e.: @TheHeritageAtBrentwood 

  4. Reorganize tabs: 

  1. Optimize the featured photos: 

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