Facebook Privacy, Safety and Security
In recent months, Facebook has been under scrutiny over concerns about how the data of its users is shared with third-party services which have raised many red flags regarding the platform’s privacy and security. As a result, Facebook has taken steps over the last year to better protect user’s information. This includes limiting third-party access to user data and giving Facebook users more control over their personal data.
If a resident chooses to have a personal Facebook profile, the platform has simplified how to manage personal privacy settings.
Your privacy shortcuts give you quick access to some of the most widely used privacy settings and tools. Click the at the top of the page and then click Privacy Shortcuts to see shortcuts to manage these :
Who can see my profile and information?
Who can contact me?
Passwords and location sharing information
This is also where you'll find the latest privacy updates and other helpful tools. The shortcuts you find here may change over time to reflect the settings and tools that are most relevant.
Business Pages, like Westminster-Canterbury of the Blue Ridge, do not store any personal profile data on the page itself. So, by “liking” or “following” the community’s page, users are not at risk of a privacy or data breach as a direct result of being a part of the Facebook Page.
Why Should Your Community be on Facebook?
Protect your community’s reputation
If we (the community) do not create and manage a Facebook page, Facebook automatically creates one where anyone can post anything. We choose to manage our community page because we want to maintain control of what’s being said and posted.
Opportunity for community involvement
We want the Facebook page to be a place where current residents and their family are encouraged (but by no means required) to engage, share comments and photos of their life at Westminster-Canterbury of the Blue Ridge. Keeping the page resident-centric provides a more authentic and genuine look and feel, plus it gives potential future residents a clearer idea of what life at the community is really like. In other words, we want the residents to tell the story.
Establish a presence in the market