How-To: Requests to Knorex

How-To: Requests to Knorex

  • When someone sends an email to any of the below recipient emails, a ticket will be automatically created & categorized as per the recipient email (for example: if an email sent to attane.enrollment@knorex.com, it will be categorized as Enrollment) 

  • Email should be sent from @attaneresults.com or @glynndevins.com

  • The status of the Tickets can be monitored using https://knorex.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests

Ticket Category 

Example Request:

Recipient Email 

Subject Line:


New campaigns


Enrollment: <Account Name>

Change Request 

Changes or optimizations to existing campaigns


Change: <Request Subject> - <Account Name>

Marketing Support 

Troubleshooting, report requests, pixel requests, budget recommendations


Support: <Request Subject> - <Account Name>

Example emails: