Knorex provides social team with .zip file of two Excel spreadsheets containing a remarketing and a conversion pixel code. Note: To date, these have been sent to only Kati and Marisa as we work through a formal placement process, but moving forward, ideally these will be sent to the lead on the account to proceed with the next steps.
Social lead updates pixel repository with client info and pixel codes
Social lead tags PMO in Wrike project alert to schedule DSD to place pixels. Message can be as simple as: Hi PMO, can you please schedule DSD 30 minutes to place Knorex conversion and remarketing pixels at their soonest availability?
Place full pixel code (base code + Pixel ID) into the Social Media Repository
Go to the Wrike alert for the social media management job and comment:
Hi, <@ PMO Lead>. Can I request DSD be scheduled to place the Facebook Pixel for <Client Name>? Pixel details are located in the Social Media Repository. Thanks!
DSD to place pixels, update repository and comment in Wrike once complete
Social lead to update Knorex once placed to confirm its firing